Results of this oversimplified case
The star, as seen in a static, external frame, begins its implosion in just the way one would expect. Like a rock dropped from a rooftop, the star’s surface falls downward (shrinks inward) slowly at first, then more and more rapidly. According to Oppenheimer and Snyder’s relativistic formulas, as the star nears its critical circumference, its shrinkage slows to a crawl. The smaller the star gets, the more slowly it implodes, until it becomes frozen precisely at the critical circumference. No matter how long a time one waits, if one is at rest outside the star (that is, at rest in the static, external reference frame), one will never be able to see the star implode through the critical circumference.
Is this freezing of the implosion caused by some unexpected, general relativistic force inside the star? No, not at all, Oppenheimer and Snyder realized. Rather, it is caused by gravitational time dilation (the slowing of the flow of time) near the critical circumference. Time on the imploding star’s surface, as seen by static external observers, must flow more and more slowly when the star approaches the critical circumference, and correspondingly everything occurring on or inside the star including its implosion must appear to go into slow motion and then gradually freeze.
Although, as seen by static external observers, the implosion freezes at the critical circumference, it does not freeze at all as viewed by observers riding inward on the star’s surface.
Never before had anyone encountered such an extreme difference between reference frames. That the implosion freezes forever as measured in the static, external frame but continues rapidly on past the freezing point as measured in the frame of the star’s surface was extremely hard to comprehend.